
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever" Mohandas Gandhi

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Bell Ringer 4/8/15

Bell Ringer

I believe that with all these jobs having there employee's paid higher than Minimum Wage, they put more into there work and more into there job.

Bell Ringer 4/8/15

Bell Ringer

I agree with the 4 candidates that have been selected to be on the US $20 Bill. I believe that they have narrowed it down to a place where it can be decided in the near future.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Bell Ringer 3/30/15

Bell Ringer

I believe that in this plane crash that the Pilot should have never left the cabin. That way none of this would have happened and I also think that people with mentle illness should under go testing and receive help no matter what the cost is.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bell Ringer 3/25/15

Bell Ringer

In this Article, there is a drop in Early Death rates as of now. In 2007, 1 in every 5 children were living in poverty. As of 2013, that rate of poverty has decreased to 1 in every 4 children. This is a good thing that it is dropping but at the same time it should even be that high or at that stage. The Early Death rate has dropped which is a great thing. But there is still some signs of Early Deaths happening, which needs to be fixed. Overall, this is a much better improvement then years prier to now.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Bell Ringer 3/23/15

Bell Ringer

In my opinion, I believe that the age should stay as is for the buying of tobacco. I think that if it is changed, there would be a giant fight over it. If you can serve your country, why not be able to buy tobacco products.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Bell Ringer 3/17/15

Bell Ringer

1.) This article is talking about a situation in a school over a student posting a tweet on twitter about the common core test.

2.) This affects us because it shows how we, the students, are being watched over to see if we are talking about curtain subjects of test they have taken.

3.) I believe that this is an unfair way to give students a test.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Bell Ringer 3/11/15

Bell Ringer

1.) This article is talking about how Obama has proposed a bill to help students with having more and improved rights for loans.

2.) This article is important because it would help students with student loans and it would have federal pay for the debts than you as a person has to pay for it.

3.) In my opinion, I believe it would help a large amount of college and university students and high school school students going into college.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Bell Ringer 3/10/15

Bell Ringer

1.) This article is talking about, how the use for pot for younger age groups is diminishing brain cells.

2.) This does change the view of how recreational can hurt the Brain and Brain Cells.

3.) This changes my view because I thought that recreational pot is like medical pot when it isn't. This can damage your brain which may then lead to damage to other parts of your body. This in my opinion, is something that should be stopped and be highly watched for and fined if found with it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Bell Ringer 3/3/15

Bell Ringer

1.) This article is discussing how the House of Delegates has lifted a ban of indoor smoking but for certain company's.

2.) There was money being lost in Casino.

3.) The smoke spreads from the room that the Casino is in to another room where smoking is not allowed.

4.) I believe that the Owner should make the choice of allowing smoking in a place that allows it. But if there is another Company in that public place where smoking is allowed, then they are saying that they are willing to work where the smoke is spreading.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Bell Ringer 3/2/15

Bell Ringer

March 2, 2015

1.) This article is talking about the West Virginia House of Delegates is trying to repeal the bill to pass the common core.

2.) That this new bill would mainly get rid of the, 'No Child Left Behind Program' and this worries a large portion of teachers, parents, and other officials. This will also cost a large amount of money.

3.) I believe that the old Core is a good way to start but the new Core is different. With these two Core Programs I believe that they should try to combine the 2 Cores.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Bell Ringer

Bell Ringer

February 26, 2015

1.) Muhammad Ali was a very known person back in the 1960's. He was known for being a boxer. Not just any boxer but one of the best in his time frame of boxing. He was known also for being the Heavyweight champion.

2.) Muhammad Ali was one of the first Black men to actually win as many fights and medals than any other man white or black or any other race. He also had a really amazing saying when he would fight which was, "Flout like a Butterfly, sting like a Bee." This was also one way people could tell who Muhammad Ali was.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bell Ringer

February 25, 2015

1.) The problem being discussed in this article is a bill that is being told it will get vetoed. This bill is supposed to help fix the Education Issues.

2.) My opinion on this topic is that the bill should not be aloud to pass because the new common core that is being put out there is a more advanced program.

3.) This is related to Public Policy because how it could affect the standard and daily routine for teachers and students.