
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever" Mohandas Gandhi

Monday, September 8, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/8/14

Bell Ringer 9/8/14

There was a Jewish man named Fred Mayer. He fled Nazi Germany in 1938 to escape from Adolf Hitler's rain against Jews. He fled to America and joined the OSS to spy on the Germans and collect information for the Americans. He also had lead one of the most daring spy missions of WWII. He also fought again the Japanese and landed him in the newly formed Office of Strategic Services. Mayor was in another battle against Austria in scouting out Austria's Alpine Redoubt. They believed Hitler would make his final stand there. Mayor is still alive to this day mowing his own grass and his girlfriends. He also drives for his local job, he also makes his own food for himself and for his daughter when she comes to visit. Fred Mayor is a man to remember.

Justin Erickson

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