
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever" Mohandas Gandhi

Friday, August 29, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/29/14

Bell Ringer 8/29/14

1.) Those who to blame right now would be the instructor for allowing the 9-year old girl to fire an Uzi on her own.

2.) I believe 9-year old girls or boys should be allowed to fire guns at a firing range but must me limitedd to what they can shoot.

3.) I do not believe that automatic weapons do not belong in children's hands what so ever. But i do believe that people should be aloud to own, hold, and fire an automatic weapon.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/28/14

Bell Ringer 8/28/14

Article I-The Legislative Branch includes the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Article II-The Executive Branch is the President and Vice President and tells about there responsibilities.

Article III-The Judicial Branch consists of the Supreme Court and and other lower courts. Members of the Supreme Court are members for life unless they are convicted of a crime.

Article IV-This article involves the States. They control the rules for bringing in new Unions.

Article V-The amendments of the Constitution are changed through this Article but two/thirds of both Houses must agree.

Article VI-This Article is known as, "The Law of The Land". Which means that all officers, judges and federal agencies must obey by this.

Article VII-This Article tells about how a law might be ratified or approved. This is known as the Constitution.

Justin D. Erickson

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/27/14

Bell Ringer 8/27/14

With students being drugged and then raped is a horrible thing to think about. The nail polish that changes colors after stirring the drink, the nail polish will change colors if there is a date raped drug in the drink. This will help in colleges, daily life, and younger age groups.

Some drawback i would think is how long does the nail polish last and can it tell if all date raped drugs can be seen or just most popular ones. Also after seeing it was drugged what would happen to the person that was targeted? Would she be hurt, beaten, killed? Is this a safe idea? Yes and No. It will be the users choice to go and use it or not.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/22/14

Bell Ringer 8/22/14

America has multiple problems within its system. I believe that three major problems in America are; Drugs, Police Brutality, and Racism. In America drugs have been growing and spreading at a rapid pace. Drugs have been abused and now are being sold to almost ever age group. I believe that people that might be using drugs should be drug tested. This way people that are using drugs can get help and go through rehabilitation.

Another problem is, Police Brutality. Just recently, there was a shooting of an African American in Ferguson, MO. He was shot numerous time while turning around to put his hands up, but in the process of turning around the cop had shot multiple more times. In which the last shot fired had was shot into the African American. I believe Police are becoming more over powered and feeling as if they can do as they please. In this case, I would hope to see the Ferguson Police Department learn a lesson from this and all other Police Departments around the world to learn from the Ferguson Police Departments mistakes that they have made in this whole situation.

The last problem i believe that is growing at a fast pace is, Racism. Racism is becoming a problem as we go to work or go to school or even in your own neighborhood. Ever since the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. Everyone believes that the officer that shot Michael Brown was shooting him because of his race. Would he have shot a white man for the same thing? Could he have used a tazer instead of his side-arm? What else could the officer done instead of shoot Michael Brown?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/21/14

Bell Ringer 8/21/14



1) I believe that the Ice Bucket Challenge is for ALS.

2) I do believe that it is effective because it shows how people are whiling to pour ice cold water on there own body. I also believe that when pouring the ice cold water on your head and going down your body, it sends a freezing or numbness to your body which is what is happening to people with ALS. I don't believe that people are trying to get away from donating money but showing how they will take an ice cold bucket of water to feel what people with ALS are feeling.

3) What I think should be added to the Ice Bucket Challenge is, someone with ALS there in person to see it happen or have a fundraiser for raising money for ALS by doing the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/20/14

Bell Ringer 8/20/14

1) In this article, there is a American company that is trying to expand its business outside of America. This company has been telling the other foreign company that they are going to be, "planting their corporate flag

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/19/14

Bell ringer for 8/19/14

1) One mistake that officials have made was, releasing the officers part of the story to the public. Another mistake was arresting photographers, civilians, and protesters for standing still in one spot.

2) My opinion of excessive force would be, threatening someone to do as they say or they will be shot, an officer shooting someone just because of racism or color, or tell civilians to leave or they will use force. In my own opinion, I believe that excessive force was used against Michael Brown in this shooting.

3) The way I would try to restore order in Ferguson, MO would be, rebuilding the community, rebuilding the city police, rebuilding stores and daily used buildings by citizens. More would be done to help the town of Ferguson, MO but at this point not a whole lot can be done till justice is served.

Justin D. Erickson

Monday, August 18, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/18/14

Some of the things i would like to accomplish before i finish high school is read and write in a better manner. on August 18, 2015 i  hope to see myself in college or working at a job saving money to go to college. Hopefully i will be living close to home or at home to reach my goal of saving money to go to college. Some expectations i have now are to just be a teenager until i graduate high school and some expectations i have for later in my life are, not having to go back to high school and hopefully make the best out of my college life too.

To Justin Erickson,

Your Friend,
     Justin D. Erickson