
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever" Mohandas Gandhi

Friday, August 22, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/22/14

Bell Ringer 8/22/14

America has multiple problems within its system. I believe that three major problems in America are; Drugs, Police Brutality, and Racism. In America drugs have been growing and spreading at a rapid pace. Drugs have been abused and now are being sold to almost ever age group. I believe that people that might be using drugs should be drug tested. This way people that are using drugs can get help and go through rehabilitation.

Another problem is, Police Brutality. Just recently, there was a shooting of an African American in Ferguson, MO. He was shot numerous time while turning around to put his hands up, but in the process of turning around the cop had shot multiple more times. In which the last shot fired had was shot into the African American. I believe Police are becoming more over powered and feeling as if they can do as they please. In this case, I would hope to see the Ferguson Police Department learn a lesson from this and all other Police Departments around the world to learn from the Ferguson Police Departments mistakes that they have made in this whole situation.

The last problem i believe that is growing at a fast pace is, Racism. Racism is becoming a problem as we go to work or go to school or even in your own neighborhood. Ever since the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. Everyone believes that the officer that shot Michael Brown was shooting him because of his race. Would he have shot a white man for the same thing? Could he have used a tazer instead of his side-arm? What else could the officer done instead of shoot Michael Brown?

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