
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever" Mohandas Gandhi

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/19/14

Bell ringer for 8/19/14

1) One mistake that officials have made was, releasing the officers part of the story to the public. Another mistake was arresting photographers, civilians, and protesters for standing still in one spot.

2) My opinion of excessive force would be, threatening someone to do as they say or they will be shot, an officer shooting someone just because of racism or color, or tell civilians to leave or they will use force. In my own opinion, I believe that excessive force was used against Michael Brown in this shooting.

3) The way I would try to restore order in Ferguson, MO would be, rebuilding the community, rebuilding the city police, rebuilding stores and daily used buildings by citizens. More would be done to help the town of Ferguson, MO but at this point not a whole lot can be done till justice is served.

Justin D. Erickson

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