
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever" Mohandas Gandhi

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/30/14

Bell Ringer 10/30/14

1) In this article, it is stating that West Virginia is going to become Republicans state. Even though it pretty much is, there is still a small amount of people that are Democrats or Independents. The majority of West Virginia is Republicans. Just as Shelley Moore Capito wants it to be.

2) Personally,  I'm not a Republican, but more Independent that others. I agree with some of Shelley Moore Capito's statements and then I disagree with some of her statements also. I push for some of the things Capito wants to do but then I push against a lot of the things she says. But half the time I want to just say, "Let the best runner win." That is the best way I can put the way I feel about this.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/29/14

Bell Ringer 10/29/14

1) This supports my defense for the side I am on. I believe that, even though there wasn't a federal court hearing that the man should still be executed for his punishment for what he brought upon the family that lost a mother and 2 children.

2) I do believe they were right but for the crime he has committed, he should still be executed for what he has done. This is a crime that can not be pushed away and not taken care of.Execution of the man is a fair punishment.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bellringer 10/28/14

Bellringer 10/28/14

All states have the right to make and enforce laws in that state. But, a majority of the laws that are stated in the article will not be enforced. Some of the laws that states have imposed are some of the dumbest ones anyone will ever hear. For example, "Alaska: It's against the law to wake bears for the purposes of taking a picture." Who would be dumb enough to go take a picture of a bear and waking it up so it looks real. I would conclude that the bear wouldn't let you take a picture but charge at you and most likely make you its breakfast. These laws have no meaning in my opinion. There what you call, "Space fillers."

Monday, October 27, 2014

Bellringer 10/27/14

Bellringer 10/27/14

1.) They are seeking the death penalty because of the death of 300+ passengers that were aboard the ferry.

2.) I believe that the death penalty might be a little much but at the same time the right thing to do. If the Caption of the ferry had tried to take any action to help the passengers on the ship then I would take a problem in this whole case. Overall, I believe that the punishment is the correct one for this case.

3.) I do believe that the death penalty should be allowed in this case. I believe this because of the non-action the caption had taken. The caption was seen in a video, jumping into a life boat wearing only his underwear. He was pushing passengers out of his way instead of helping them get into a safety boat. Also, he let 200+ schoolchildren die on the ferry instead of helping them.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Bellringer 10/17/14

Bellringer 10/17/14

1) In the cases of people with Ebola being transported to a hospital, the hospital and there staff should be completely trained. The hospitals that can take in a person with Ebola should also have all the right equipment and right processes to make sure it is contained and not spreading throughout the hospital.

2) Yes I am surprised about the whole issue of hospitals not being ready or not having the right equipment to take care of a person that is infected with Ebola.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Bellringer 10/14/14

Bellringer 10/14/14

1) The focus point of Spurlock's short films is showing the world what the economy is like and how it is affected.

2) Spurlock is from Detroit.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Bellringer 10/13/14

Bellringer 10/13/14

1)With Snapchat being hacked and photos of people personal life being leaked is a major crime and peoples rights. No I am not surprised by hackers being able to get access to the photos.

2) Privacy does not exist in electrical transmission devices. Anything someone sends or anything someone post goes through the "World Wide Web" to be posted or sent to anyone at any time. Everyone should know already that what they do online can be seen by everyone some point in there life.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Belringer 10/10/14

Bellringer 10/10/14

1) I agree with her choice in taking her own life because if she is going to experience more and more pain, then why would someone want to live through that. She knows how bad it will effect her in the long run so why would she want to suffer through the pain instead of not feeling it. It's her life let her make her own choice.

3) I would feel the same way. I wouldn't want to go through all the pain. I wouldn't want my family to go through seeing me in pain.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Bellringer 10/9/14

Bellringer 10/9/14

1) This tells that where ever the ingredients for this Burger have taken from or received from must pay a large amount of money to make this one burger.

2) Personally, I would not eat the burger because of the religous aspects of the Burger. I wish not to affend another Religion or a Religious group. It's not an act of being rude, it's an act of being curtious and kind to others that would not eat the Burger.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Bellringer 10/8/14

Bellringer 10/8/14

2) No. Because women today that work in fast food restaurants are subject to being sexually harassed from co-workers and customers.

3) I feel as if, women that are or feel sexually harassed should do more than tell the person to stop, they should quite the job, report the group/person, and make an effort to stop it from happening again.

4) I believe that they should fire and fine those who sexually harass a women. They should also go to court and have to pay the women they have sexually harassed and serve time in jail.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Bellringer 10/6/14

Bellringer 10/6/14

1) They are trying to make you look at a webpage, a donation site or most commonly scams.

2) I think that Facebook should watch and search these post before everyone can see them.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bellringer 10/1/14

Bellringer 10/1/14

1) I believe that the Kansas City Chiefs player, Husain Abdullah, should not have been penalized for going on his knees and praying after scoring a touchdown. I don't think that he should have been penalized of the referees should have even thrown a flag because of a past play, Tim Tebow, was never penalized for throwing a touchdown pass and then going on one knee and praying. This action by the referees is uncalled for in all areas of thought.

2) This issue involves the well known, 1st Amendment.

3) I would keep this from happening by letting all officials know that after a player makes a positive action to a team, they should be allowed to do a short celebration as long as it is appropriate and does not go against any of the Amendments in the Constitution.