
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever" Mohandas Gandhi

Monday, October 27, 2014

Bellringer 10/27/14

Bellringer 10/27/14

1.) They are seeking the death penalty because of the death of 300+ passengers that were aboard the ferry.

2.) I believe that the death penalty might be a little much but at the same time the right thing to do. If the Caption of the ferry had tried to take any action to help the passengers on the ship then I would take a problem in this whole case. Overall, I believe that the punishment is the correct one for this case.

3.) I do believe that the death penalty should be allowed in this case. I believe this because of the non-action the caption had taken. The caption was seen in a video, jumping into a life boat wearing only his underwear. He was pushing passengers out of his way instead of helping them get into a safety boat. Also, he let 200+ schoolchildren die on the ferry instead of helping them.

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