
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever" Mohandas Gandhi

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bell Ringer 11/6/14

Bell Ringer 11/6/14

1) I believe that it is a great thing for WV to have America's youngest lawmaker. 18 year old Saira Blair is the youngest lawmaker ever.  I believe that Saira might be to young to be in the House of Delegates. But, I believe from her background that she has been following politics since she was 6. She has always wanted to help the country in making laws and helping keep are country safe.

2) With Saira Blair being the youngest lawmaker in history makes are generation believe that we have more to show for than just being high school students or young adults. I believe that with her being the youngest lawmaker in WV, she has made a point that she is a really strong and meaningful person. Saira Blair, to me, is going to be a great lawmaker because of her age. She will always be around to listen and hear what other have to say about the laws and how to improve them.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Bell Ringer 11/5/2014

Bell Ringer 11/5/14

1) In Barbour County, there were two seats up for grabs. The Barbour County Commission seat and Barbour County Sheriff. These two seats have been decided. The seat for County Commission was taken by a fellow Philip Barbour High School teacher, Tim McDaniel. The County Sheriff was taken by Philip Ferguson which has been in the force for many years. Each race was won in a much larger voting area then each other.
Out of the WV senate race, 11 of the candidates that won were GOP (Republicans) out of 17. There were 6 Dem (Demarcates) that won out of the 17 spots. Almost all of the candidates were males. Only 6 were "i" on the WV Senate Races.
I believe that elections are important because that way the people have the power to vote and elect who they want in house and who can help our Country. I think it is important to vote so that your voice (vote) can be heard. It also shows that you listen, care and want to help the economy grow in the way you think it will help.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Bell Ringer 11/3/14

Bell Ringer 11/3/14

1) Brittany Maynard died the evening of Nov. 1st in her Portland home. She was diagosned with brain cancer a few months back. She was going to go with assisted suicide but then changed her mind. Until recently when she and increased amount of seizures, severe head and neck pains and etc. Brittany had changed her mind and choose to take the assisted suicide medication. She let a posititve impact on the younger age group and how no matter what happens, keep on fighting.

2) Those who don't agree with the right to death should be in Brittany's spot before saying that. If someone you knew was going through the exact same thing she was going through with the pain and deep thoughts of dying...I believe they would go with the same choice Brittany choose.

3) My opinion is, if I had to go through what Brittany Maynard went through...I would choose the same choice she choose. I wouldn't want anyone to see the pain I was going through or see how much it was hurting me. I also didn't want anyone to feel sad, I'd want everyone to party like there's no tomorrow after I was died. No funeral. No sadness, just parting and being happy.