
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever" Mohandas Gandhi

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Bell Ringer 11/5/2014

Bell Ringer 11/5/14

1) In Barbour County, there were two seats up for grabs. The Barbour County Commission seat and Barbour County Sheriff. These two seats have been decided. The seat for County Commission was taken by a fellow Philip Barbour High School teacher, Tim McDaniel. The County Sheriff was taken by Philip Ferguson which has been in the force for many years. Each race was won in a much larger voting area then each other.
Out of the WV senate race, 11 of the candidates that won were GOP (Republicans) out of 17. There were 6 Dem (Demarcates) that won out of the 17 spots. Almost all of the candidates were males. Only 6 were "i" on the WV Senate Races.
I believe that elections are important because that way the people have the power to vote and elect who they want in house and who can help our Country. I think it is important to vote so that your voice (vote) can be heard. It also shows that you listen, care and want to help the economy grow in the way you think it will help.

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