
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, Learn as if you were to live forever" Mohandas Gandhi

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Bell Ringer 11/6/14

Bell Ringer 11/6/14

1) I believe that it is a great thing for WV to have America's youngest lawmaker. 18 year old Saira Blair is the youngest lawmaker ever.  I believe that Saira might be to young to be in the House of Delegates. But, I believe from her background that she has been following politics since she was 6. She has always wanted to help the country in making laws and helping keep are country safe.

2) With Saira Blair being the youngest lawmaker in history makes are generation believe that we have more to show for than just being high school students or young adults. I believe that with her being the youngest lawmaker in WV, she has made a point that she is a really strong and meaningful person. Saira Blair, to me, is going to be a great lawmaker because of her age. She will always be around to listen and hear what other have to say about the laws and how to improve them.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Bell Ringer 11/5/2014

Bell Ringer 11/5/14

1) In Barbour County, there were two seats up for grabs. The Barbour County Commission seat and Barbour County Sheriff. These two seats have been decided. The seat for County Commission was taken by a fellow Philip Barbour High School teacher, Tim McDaniel. The County Sheriff was taken by Philip Ferguson which has been in the force for many years. Each race was won in a much larger voting area then each other.
Out of the WV senate race, 11 of the candidates that won were GOP (Republicans) out of 17. There were 6 Dem (Demarcates) that won out of the 17 spots. Almost all of the candidates were males. Only 6 were "i" on the WV Senate Races.
I believe that elections are important because that way the people have the power to vote and elect who they want in house and who can help our Country. I think it is important to vote so that your voice (vote) can be heard. It also shows that you listen, care and want to help the economy grow in the way you think it will help.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Bell Ringer 11/3/14

Bell Ringer 11/3/14

1) Brittany Maynard died the evening of Nov. 1st in her Portland home. She was diagosned with brain cancer a few months back. She was going to go with assisted suicide but then changed her mind. Until recently when she and increased amount of seizures, severe head and neck pains and etc. Brittany had changed her mind and choose to take the assisted suicide medication. She let a posititve impact on the younger age group and how no matter what happens, keep on fighting.

2) Those who don't agree with the right to death should be in Brittany's spot before saying that. If someone you knew was going through the exact same thing she was going through with the pain and deep thoughts of dying...I believe they would go with the same choice Brittany choose.

3) My opinion is, if I had to go through what Brittany Maynard went through...I would choose the same choice she choose. I wouldn't want anyone to see the pain I was going through or see how much it was hurting me. I also didn't want anyone to feel sad, I'd want everyone to party like there's no tomorrow after I was died. No funeral. No sadness, just parting and being happy.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/30/14

Bell Ringer 10/30/14

1) In this article, it is stating that West Virginia is going to become Republicans state. Even though it pretty much is, there is still a small amount of people that are Democrats or Independents. The majority of West Virginia is Republicans. Just as Shelley Moore Capito wants it to be.

2) Personally,  I'm not a Republican, but more Independent that others. I agree with some of Shelley Moore Capito's statements and then I disagree with some of her statements also. I push for some of the things Capito wants to do but then I push against a lot of the things she says. But half the time I want to just say, "Let the best runner win." That is the best way I can put the way I feel about this.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bell Ringer 10/29/14

Bell Ringer 10/29/14

1) This supports my defense for the side I am on. I believe that, even though there wasn't a federal court hearing that the man should still be executed for his punishment for what he brought upon the family that lost a mother and 2 children.

2) I do believe they were right but for the crime he has committed, he should still be executed for what he has done. This is a crime that can not be pushed away and not taken care of.Execution of the man is a fair punishment.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bellringer 10/28/14

Bellringer 10/28/14

All states have the right to make and enforce laws in that state. But, a majority of the laws that are stated in the article will not be enforced. Some of the laws that states have imposed are some of the dumbest ones anyone will ever hear. For example, "Alaska: It's against the law to wake bears for the purposes of taking a picture." Who would be dumb enough to go take a picture of a bear and waking it up so it looks real. I would conclude that the bear wouldn't let you take a picture but charge at you and most likely make you its breakfast. These laws have no meaning in my opinion. There what you call, "Space fillers."

Monday, October 27, 2014

Bellringer 10/27/14

Bellringer 10/27/14

1.) They are seeking the death penalty because of the death of 300+ passengers that were aboard the ferry.

2.) I believe that the death penalty might be a little much but at the same time the right thing to do. If the Caption of the ferry had tried to take any action to help the passengers on the ship then I would take a problem in this whole case. Overall, I believe that the punishment is the correct one for this case.

3.) I do believe that the death penalty should be allowed in this case. I believe this because of the non-action the caption had taken. The caption was seen in a video, jumping into a life boat wearing only his underwear. He was pushing passengers out of his way instead of helping them get into a safety boat. Also, he let 200+ schoolchildren die on the ferry instead of helping them.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Bellringer 10/17/14

Bellringer 10/17/14

1) In the cases of people with Ebola being transported to a hospital, the hospital and there staff should be completely trained. The hospitals that can take in a person with Ebola should also have all the right equipment and right processes to make sure it is contained and not spreading throughout the hospital.

2) Yes I am surprised about the whole issue of hospitals not being ready or not having the right equipment to take care of a person that is infected with Ebola.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Bellringer 10/14/14

Bellringer 10/14/14

1) The focus point of Spurlock's short films is showing the world what the economy is like and how it is affected.

2) Spurlock is from Detroit.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Bellringer 10/13/14

Bellringer 10/13/14

1)With Snapchat being hacked and photos of people personal life being leaked is a major crime and peoples rights. No I am not surprised by hackers being able to get access to the photos.

2) Privacy does not exist in electrical transmission devices. Anything someone sends or anything someone post goes through the "World Wide Web" to be posted or sent to anyone at any time. Everyone should know already that what they do online can be seen by everyone some point in there life.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Belringer 10/10/14

Bellringer 10/10/14

1) I agree with her choice in taking her own life because if she is going to experience more and more pain, then why would someone want to live through that. She knows how bad it will effect her in the long run so why would she want to suffer through the pain instead of not feeling it. It's her life let her make her own choice.

3) I would feel the same way. I wouldn't want to go through all the pain. I wouldn't want my family to go through seeing me in pain.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Bellringer 10/9/14

Bellringer 10/9/14

1) This tells that where ever the ingredients for this Burger have taken from or received from must pay a large amount of money to make this one burger.

2) Personally, I would not eat the burger because of the religous aspects of the Burger. I wish not to affend another Religion or a Religious group. It's not an act of being rude, it's an act of being curtious and kind to others that would not eat the Burger.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Bellringer 10/8/14

Bellringer 10/8/14

2) No. Because women today that work in fast food restaurants are subject to being sexually harassed from co-workers and customers.

3) I feel as if, women that are or feel sexually harassed should do more than tell the person to stop, they should quite the job, report the group/person, and make an effort to stop it from happening again.

4) I believe that they should fire and fine those who sexually harass a women. They should also go to court and have to pay the women they have sexually harassed and serve time in jail.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Bellringer 10/6/14

Bellringer 10/6/14

1) They are trying to make you look at a webpage, a donation site or most commonly scams.

2) I think that Facebook should watch and search these post before everyone can see them.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Bellringer 10/1/14

Bellringer 10/1/14

1) I believe that the Kansas City Chiefs player, Husain Abdullah, should not have been penalized for going on his knees and praying after scoring a touchdown. I don't think that he should have been penalized of the referees should have even thrown a flag because of a past play, Tim Tebow, was never penalized for throwing a touchdown pass and then going on one knee and praying. This action by the referees is uncalled for in all areas of thought.

2) This issue involves the well known, 1st Amendment.

3) I would keep this from happening by letting all officials know that after a player makes a positive action to a team, they should be allowed to do a short celebration as long as it is appropriate and does not go against any of the Amendments in the Constitution.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Bellringer 9/26/14

Bellringer 9/26/14

1.) I believe this indicates that a large majority of WV citizens haven't taken the time to receive a college graduates degrees and maybe they also haven't received there High School graduates degree.

2.) I believe that the percentage is low because either they haven't taken the time to get a college degree or they haven't graduated from High School yet either.

3.) I think a good way to increase the college graduation rate is by supporting different ways for WV citizens to get a college degree from student loans, different courses they can take and better ways to get WV citizens motivated to go to college.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bellringer 9/25/14

Bellringer 9/25/14

1) The President was trying to make the point of how Islam is having a massive problem with the terrorist group called, ISIS. He was trying to make the point of, we will not tolerate any of this war in the U.S. and other allies countries.

2) I think that on a scale to 1-10 he was at a strong 9. I believe that the Presidents speech was strong in his position and how he was encouraging other countries to join the fight against ISIS.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Bellringer 9/22/14

Bellringer 9/22/14

1) No because they haven't graduated from High School yet and most likely haven't taken a Civics or Government class yet.

2) I believe and will agree, 18 should be the age to gain the right to vote and cast a ballot.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bellringer 9/16/14

Bellringer 9/16/14

1) Adrian Peterson should be permanently be suspended from playing in the NFL and he should be put on trial for cruel punishment of a child. Expectantly his own son. Adrian Peterson's contract with the Vikings, should be pulled as soon as possible.

2) They have changed some what, except for these days now technology is a big part in are life. Parents instead of hitting a child, would more than likely take there phones, computers, and games away from them. So the punishments these days have changed and aren't as bad as they were in the past.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/12/14

Bell Ringer 9/12/14

My reaction of the possibility of there being ISIS members in the mountain state scares me a little. ISIS is actually worse than Al Quaida. Al Quaida and ISIS use to be the in the same terrorists group until Al Quaida kicked ISIS out because of how horrible they are. If ISIS is closer than we expect and they are in are country, Homeland Security should be taking major concerns in all of this. If there are American's in America that are joining ISIS, there should be a life penalty for those that are and we should think about what we should do next if ISIS does enter are country or if they do anything to hurt are country. ISIS is a group that should know who they are going against and what they should expect from America and are Allies.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/8/14

Bell Ringer 9/8/14

There was a Jewish man named Fred Mayer. He fled Nazi Germany in 1938 to escape from Adolf Hitler's rain against Jews. He fled to America and joined the OSS to spy on the Germans and collect information for the Americans. He also had lead one of the most daring spy missions of WWII. He also fought again the Japanese and landed him in the newly formed Office of Strategic Services. Mayor was in another battle against Austria in scouting out Austria's Alpine Redoubt. They believed Hitler would make his final stand there. Mayor is still alive to this day mowing his own grass and his girlfriends. He also drives for his local job, he also makes his own food for himself and for his daughter when she comes to visit. Fred Mayor is a man to remember.

Justin Erickson

Friday, September 5, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/5/144

Bell Ringer 9/5/14

1) The fake towers can be from anyone. The problem being that we don't know who they belong to. These towers can be used to spy of US Military Bases or average American citizens. This can hurt are country and are citizens.

2) The most possible reason for the fake towers to be placed near US Military Bases is to spy on there activity or for the Military Bases to listen for anyone spying on them and giving away secrets.

3) In my opinion, I honestly don't know if the US Government is behind the fake towers or not. I would say they might be, but I am unsure if they would do that without the Cellphone broadcasters knowing they are doing that. But the NSA states, "The NSA doesn't need a fake tower, he said. 'They can just go tot the carrier' to tap your line.'" as Andrew Jaquith told us. This one statement tells us that the NSA is not the one's putting up the fake tower.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Bell Ringer 9/4/14

Bell Ringer 9/4/14

1) The impact this will have on India might be more of a risk for other countries at the same time. This also will allow other terrorist groups to get closer to Britain and other large countries like America.

2) They are targeting India because of its Muslim filled parts. This would mean that there will be a larger amount of Muslims attacking more countries and other religious countries. This only means this will become a Jihad.

3) The US should react more alert then they have been for the past month against ISIS. If these terrorist groups try to go further into other countries and try to take invaded the US. If this gets closer to are country this will become a war. I think this way anyway.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bellringer 9/3/14

Bell Ringer 9/3/14

1) Rick Perry is being accused of over using his legal powers and telling Rosemary Lehmberg to step down from power or lose all the funding to her program (The Office of Public Integrity).

2) I Agree with his reasoning because, if the Lehmberg is convicted of a DUI (DWI) and over the legal limit, she should be taken out of power. That way there wouldn't be any  problems over this whole ordeal. Rick Perry should not be the one

Friday, August 29, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/29/14

Bell Ringer 8/29/14

1.) Those who to blame right now would be the instructor for allowing the 9-year old girl to fire an Uzi on her own.

2.) I believe 9-year old girls or boys should be allowed to fire guns at a firing range but must me limitedd to what they can shoot.

3.) I do not believe that automatic weapons do not belong in children's hands what so ever. But i do believe that people should be aloud to own, hold, and fire an automatic weapon.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/28/14

Bell Ringer 8/28/14

Article I-The Legislative Branch includes the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Article II-The Executive Branch is the President and Vice President and tells about there responsibilities.

Article III-The Judicial Branch consists of the Supreme Court and and other lower courts. Members of the Supreme Court are members for life unless they are convicted of a crime.

Article IV-This article involves the States. They control the rules for bringing in new Unions.

Article V-The amendments of the Constitution are changed through this Article but two/thirds of both Houses must agree.

Article VI-This Article is known as, "The Law of The Land". Which means that all officers, judges and federal agencies must obey by this.

Article VII-This Article tells about how a law might be ratified or approved. This is known as the Constitution.

Justin D. Erickson

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/27/14

Bell Ringer 8/27/14

With students being drugged and then raped is a horrible thing to think about. The nail polish that changes colors after stirring the drink, the nail polish will change colors if there is a date raped drug in the drink. This will help in colleges, daily life, and younger age groups.

Some drawback i would think is how long does the nail polish last and can it tell if all date raped drugs can be seen or just most popular ones. Also after seeing it was drugged what would happen to the person that was targeted? Would she be hurt, beaten, killed? Is this a safe idea? Yes and No. It will be the users choice to go and use it or not.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/22/14

Bell Ringer 8/22/14

America has multiple problems within its system. I believe that three major problems in America are; Drugs, Police Brutality, and Racism. In America drugs have been growing and spreading at a rapid pace. Drugs have been abused and now are being sold to almost ever age group. I believe that people that might be using drugs should be drug tested. This way people that are using drugs can get help and go through rehabilitation.

Another problem is, Police Brutality. Just recently, there was a shooting of an African American in Ferguson, MO. He was shot numerous time while turning around to put his hands up, but in the process of turning around the cop had shot multiple more times. In which the last shot fired had was shot into the African American. I believe Police are becoming more over powered and feeling as if they can do as they please. In this case, I would hope to see the Ferguson Police Department learn a lesson from this and all other Police Departments around the world to learn from the Ferguson Police Departments mistakes that they have made in this whole situation.

The last problem i believe that is growing at a fast pace is, Racism. Racism is becoming a problem as we go to work or go to school or even in your own neighborhood. Ever since the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO. Everyone believes that the officer that shot Michael Brown was shooting him because of his race. Would he have shot a white man for the same thing? Could he have used a tazer instead of his side-arm? What else could the officer done instead of shoot Michael Brown?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/21/14

Bell Ringer 8/21/14



1) I believe that the Ice Bucket Challenge is for ALS.

2) I do believe that it is effective because it shows how people are whiling to pour ice cold water on there own body. I also believe that when pouring the ice cold water on your head and going down your body, it sends a freezing or numbness to your body which is what is happening to people with ALS. I don't believe that people are trying to get away from donating money but showing how they will take an ice cold bucket of water to feel what people with ALS are feeling.

3) What I think should be added to the Ice Bucket Challenge is, someone with ALS there in person to see it happen or have a fundraiser for raising money for ALS by doing the Ice Bucket Challenge.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/20/14

Bell Ringer 8/20/14

1) In this article, there is a American company that is trying to expand its business outside of America. This company has been telling the other foreign company that they are going to be, "planting their corporate flag

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/19/14

Bell ringer for 8/19/14

1) One mistake that officials have made was, releasing the officers part of the story to the public. Another mistake was arresting photographers, civilians, and protesters for standing still in one spot.

2) My opinion of excessive force would be, threatening someone to do as they say or they will be shot, an officer shooting someone just because of racism or color, or tell civilians to leave or they will use force. In my own opinion, I believe that excessive force was used against Michael Brown in this shooting.

3) The way I would try to restore order in Ferguson, MO would be, rebuilding the community, rebuilding the city police, rebuilding stores and daily used buildings by citizens. More would be done to help the town of Ferguson, MO but at this point not a whole lot can be done till justice is served.

Justin D. Erickson

Monday, August 18, 2014

Bell Ringer 8/18/14

Some of the things i would like to accomplish before i finish high school is read and write in a better manner. on August 18, 2015 i  hope to see myself in college or working at a job saving money to go to college. Hopefully i will be living close to home or at home to reach my goal of saving money to go to college. Some expectations i have now are to just be a teenager until i graduate high school and some expectations i have for later in my life are, not having to go back to high school and hopefully make the best out of my college life too.

To Justin Erickson,

Your Friend,
     Justin D. Erickson